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Florida Aviation Database
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Welcome to the Florida Aviation Database (FAD).  Developed and maintained by the Florida Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration, Florida Airports Council and Florida’s Public Airport Sponsors, FAD is the central repository for Florida aviation system data.


For information regarding the Florida Department of Transportation Aviation Office, Florida Aviation System Plan, Florida Aviation Statutes, Florida airports, or other aviation related information, please see the Aviation Office Web site.  You may also contact us at 850-414-4500 or email us at aviation.fdot@dot.state.fl.us.


PRIVATE FACILITY OWNERS / MANAGERS: If you are the owner or manager of a previously approved private-use airport in Florida and need to register or re-register your airport, or you wish to begin the process for a newly proposed private-use airport, go to the Private Airport Registration & Site Approval Web site.


Safety is an ongoing journey, not a final destination.



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If you are the owner or manager of a previously approved private-use airport in Florida and need to register or re-register your airport, or you wish to begin the process for a newly proposed private-use airport, go to the new Private Airport Registration & Site Approval web site at www.floridaprivateairport.com.